Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Lesson 109 – Parts of the Sentence – Direct Object

A direct object receives the action performed by the subject. The verb used with a direct object is always an action verb. Another way of saying it is that the subject does the verb to the direct object. Example: The car hit the tree. To find the direct object, say the subject and verb followed by whom or what. The car hit whom or what? Tree answers the question so tree is the direct object.

If nothing answers the question whom or what, you know that there is no direct object. Example: The car sped past. The car sped whom or what? Nothing answers the question so the sentence has no direct object.

The direct object must be a noun or pronoun. A direct objectwill never be in a prepositional phrase. The direct object will not equal the subject as the predicate nominative, nor does it have a linking verb as a predicate nominative sentences does.

Direct objects may be compound. Example: The car hit the tree and the fence. The car hit whom or what? Tree and fence answer the question so tree and fence are the direct objects.

A sentence with a compound verb may have two different direct objectsin it. Example: The dog ate the meat and drank some water. The direct object for the verb ate is meat, and the direct object for the verb drank is water. The dog didn’t drink the meator eat the water.

Instructions: Find the subjects, verbs, and direct objects in these sentences.

1. The football player changed his clothes and took a shower.

2. The speaker read his speech and answered some questions.

3. The carpenter fixed the door and painted the house.

4. The little girl played the piano and sang a song.

5. My neighbor mowed his lawn and watered the flowers.

–For answers scroll down.


1. player = subject / changed = verb / clothes = direct object // took = verb / shower = direct object

2. speaker = subject / read = verb / speech = direct object // answered = verb / questions = direct object

3. carpenter = subject / fixed = verb / door = direct object // painted = verb / house = direct object

4. girl = subject / played = verb / piano = direct object // sang = verb / song = direct object

5. neighbor= subject / mowed = verb / lawn = direct object // watered = verb / flowers = direct object

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from Daily Grammar Lessons Blog

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