Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Lesson 198 – Parts of the Sentence – Objective Complement

An objective complement can be a noun or an adjective which follows the direct object renaming or modifying it. It is used with verbs like make, name, call, choose, elect, and appoint. It is not set off with commas as an appositive is. Example: I call my dog Badger.
A verb that has an objective complement in the active voice may in the passive voice have a predicate nominative or a predicate adjective. Examples: My dog is called Badger by me. I consider my dog smart. My dog is considered smart by me.
Instructions: Find the objective complements in the following sentences and tell whether they are nouns or adjectives.
1. NASA found the astronauts healthy and cheerful.
2. Special circumstances can make ordinary people heroes.
3. The group appointed the new member secretary.
4. We have always considered you capable of great things.
5. The minister pronounced the young couple man and wife.
–For answers scroll down.
1. healthy/cheerful – adjectives
2. heroes – noun
3. secretary – noun
4. capable – adjective
5. man/wife – noun

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from Daily Grammar Lessons Blog

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