Friday, July 3, 2015

Lesson 205 – Parts of the Sentence – Conjunctions

A conjunction is a word that joins other words, phrases, or clauses. Co-ordinate conjunctions join words, phases, or clauses of equal rank. There are two kinds simple and correlative. The simple co-ordinate conjunctions are the following: and, but, or, and nor. The correlative co-ordinate conjunctions are always in pairs. They are either-or, neither-nor, both-and, not only-but also, and whether-or.
In these lessons simple co-ordinates will be referred to as co-ordinate conjunctions, and correlative co-ordinates will be referred to as correlative conjunctions. The co-ordinate and correlative conjunctions should be memorized since they are common and few in number.
Instructions: As a review of all the parts of the sentence, in the following sentences find the conjunctions and tell whether they are co-ordinate or correlative conjunctions, and then tell how each of the other words are used.
1. In our garden several small but productive trees are growing.
2. Dad waited for Barbara, Jeanne and me.
3. I must leave this place secretly and quietly.
4. After the hike the group was tired and hungry.
5. The coyote ran into a hole or into some trees.
–For answers scroll down.
1. but = co-ordinate conjunction; are growing = verb; trees = subject; in = preposition; garden = object of the preposition; our/several/small/productive = adjectives
2. and = co-ordinate conjunction; waited = verb; Dad = subject; for = preposition; Barbara/Jeanne/me = object of the preposition
3. and = co-ordinate conjunction; must leave = verb; I = subject; place = direct object; this = adjective; secretly/quietly = adverbs
4. and = co-ordinate conjunction; was = verb; group = subject; tired/hungry = predicate adjectives; after = preposition; hike = object of the preposition; the/the = adjective
5. or = co-ordinate conjunction; ran = verb; coyote = subject; into/into = preposition; hole/trees = object of the preposition; the/a/some = adjectives

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from Daily Grammar Lessons Blog

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