Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Lesson 214 – Parts of the Sentence – Verbals – Gerunds

A gerund always ends in ing and is used as a noun. Eatingis fun.
The gerund can be a subject (Eating is fun.); a direct object (I like eating.); a predicate nominative (A fun time is eating.); an appositive (A fun time, eating, takes much time.); an indirect object (I give eating too much time.); or an object of a preposition (I give much time to eating.)
Gerunds can have with them direct objects, predicate nominatives, predicate adjectives or modifiers to form what is called a gerund phrase. Example: Eating solid foods is hard for babies. Eating is the gerund used as the subject of the verb is. It has its own direct object foodswith the adjective solid, which together make up the gerund phrase eating solid foods serving as the subject of the sentence.
Gerunds can be compound. (Jeff likes hiking and camping.)
Instructions: Find the gerunds and gerund phrases in the following sentences and tell how they are used (subject, direct object, predicate nominative, appositive, indirect object, or object of the preposition).
1. Fishing is my friend’s favorite sport.
2. By adding more water, we can thin the paint.
3. The law forbids shouting fire in a theater.
4. Mr. Jones enjoys his work, collecting and repairing old stereos.
5. My neighbor’s pastime is training guard dogs.
–For answers scroll down.
1. fishing = subject
2. adding more water = object of the preposition
3. shouting fire in a theater = direct object
4. collecting/repairing old stereos = appositives
5. training guard dogs = predicate nominative

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from Daily Grammar Lessons Blog

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