Thursday, August 27, 2015

Lesson 245 – Parts of the Sentence – Verbals Review

Instructions: Using all the knowledge learned in the previous lessons, find the verbs (v), subjects (subj), predicate nominatives (pn), direct objects (do), appositives (app), nouns of address (na), adjectives (adj), predicate adjectives (pa), adverbs (adv), prepositions (prep), objects of the preposition (op), prepositional phrases (p ph), indirect objects (io), and objective complements (oc) in the following sentences.
If the word is a verbal, tell whether it is a gerund, participle, noun infinitive, adjective infinitive, or adverb infinitive. Tell which word the adjective, adverb, prepositional phrase, verbal, orverbal phrase modify.
Example: The actors performed there to entertain and to be seen. (performed = verb, actors = subject, the = adjective modifying actors, there = adverb modifying performed, to entertain/to be seen = adv. infinitives modifying performed, and = conjunction)
1. The rules are hard to remember.
2. Carl hopes to have enough time this week.
3. The President favors spending more money for welfare.
4. The destroyed room left no clues for the police.
5. I saw her trying to save the drowning cat.
–For answers scroll down.
1. are = verb, rules = subject, the = adjective modifying rules, hard = predicate adjective modifying rules, to remember = adverb infinitive modifying hard
2. hopes = verb, Carl = subject, to have enough time this week = noun infinitive phrase used as a direct object, time = direct object to verbal to have, enough = adjective modifying time, week = adverb modifying verbal to have, this = adjective modifying week
3. favors = verb, President = subject, the = adjective modifying President, spending more money for welfare = gerund phrase used as direct object, money = direct object to the verbal spending, more = adjective modifying money, for welfare = prepositional phrase modifying spending, for = preposition, welfare = object of the preposition
4. left = verb, room = subject, the = adjective modifying room, destroyed = participle modifying room, clues = direct object, no = adjective modifying clues, for the police = prepositional phrase modifying clues, for = preposition, police = object of the preposition, the = adjective modifying police
5. saw = verb, I = subject, her = direct object, trying = participle used as an object compliment, to save the drowning cat = noun infinitive phrase used as a direct object to the verbal trying, cat = direct object to the verbal to save, the = adjective modifying cat, drowning = participle modifying cat

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from Daily Grammar Lessons Blog

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