Friday, May 20, 2016

Quiz for Lessons 431 – 435 – Mechanics – Punctuation – Parentheses

Instructions: Use parentheses where needed in these sentences.
1. I’ll get back to you tomorrow Friday.
2. Which country countries do you want to visit?
3. You put fifty-four 54 books on that shelf.
4. The ACLU American Civil Liberties Union is going to bring a suit.
5. If you want to be healthy, you must 1 eat good food, 2 get sufficient exercise, and 3 get adequate sleep.
6. The Atomic Energy Commission AEC is very concerned about what is happening in Europe.
7. We are going to visit Brazil I don’t know where this spring.
8. I need seven 7 dollars for tonight.
9. To take this ride, you need to 1 shut your eyes, 2 hang on tight, and 3 pray.
10. That movie reminded me I remember it well about the adventure we had.
–For answers scroll down.
1. I’ll get back to you tomorrow (Friday).
2. Which country (countries) do you want to visit?
3. You put fifty-four (54) books on that shelf.
4. The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) is going to bring a suit.
5. If you want to be healthy, you must (1) eat good food, (2) get sufficient exercise, and (3) get adequate sleep.
6. The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) is very concerned about what is happening in Europe.
7. We are going to visit Brazil (I don’t know where) this spring.
8. I need seven (7) dollars for tonight.
9. To take this ride, you need to (1) shut your eyes, (2) hang on tight, and (3) pray.
10. That movie reminded me (I remember it well) about the adventure we had.

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from Daily Grammar Lessons Blog

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